Habitat assessments look at the state of the environment to understand what biological elements are using the habitat and how they may be potentially affected by a project. Since habitat availability is a limiting factor for many species, this is a vital component to risk managing the conflicts and constraints of a project.
As governmentally recognized Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEP), we can modify habitat assessments towards the collection of baseline data, impact assessments, natural resource inventories, climate change studies or post-construction effectiveness monitoring.
Recently, we have started engaging in the use of Environmental-DNA (eDNA) collection and analysis to provide evidence for the presence of rare or difficult to find species within an ecosystem. This tool and others help to build up a picture of how the habitat is performing and helps guide future management of the site.
Freshwater baseline and impact assessments
- Critical habitat and sensitive species identification
- Habitat and impact classification
- Identifying compensation requirements and / or compliance with operational guidelines
Lakes, streams and wetlands
- Fish surveys, enumeration and fish habitat assessments
- Fish passage culvert assessments and stream classifications
- Construction in-stream work isolation, fish salvage and channel restoration
- Environmental Flow Needs
Riparian habitat assessments
- Riparian Areas Regulation Assessments
- Amphibian surveys and salvage
- Riparian restoration plans and monitoring
- Environmental DNA (eDNA)
- For fish aging, population studies
- Water and sediment quality for baseline and impact analysis
- Benthic and drift invertebrates for baseline and impact analysis
- Vegetation for baseline, sensitive species identification
Accurate habitat imaging and mapping
- Upland surveying and terrain modeling
- Bathymetric profiling
- Site surveying and GIS mapping using sonar, acoustic positioning, and dGPS
- Underwater and aerial imaging and videography
Tools in our kit include
- Snorkel and SCUBA surveys, drop camera’s
- Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
- Total Station, Rod and Level survey
- Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS or ‘drones’)
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