
Freshwater Habitat Assessment and Mapping

Habitat assessments look at the state of the environment to understand what biological elements are using the habitat and how they may be potentially affected by a project. Since habitat availability is a limiting factor for many species, this is a vital component to risk managing the conflicts and constraints of a project.

As governmentally recognized Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEP), we can modify habitat assessments towards the collection of baseline data, impact assessments, natural resource inventories, climate change studies or post-construction effectiveness monitoring.

Recently, we have started engaging in the use of Environmental-DNA (eDNA) collection and analysis to provide evidence for the presence of rare or difficult to find species within an ecosystem. This tool and others help to build up a picture of how the habitat is performing and helps guide future management of the site.

Freshwater baseline and impact assessments

  • Critical habitat and sensitive species identification
  • Habitat and impact classification
  • Identifying compensation requirements and / or compliance with operational guidelines

Lakes, streams and wetlands

  • Fish surveys, enumeration and fish habitat assessments
  • Fish passage culvert assessments and stream classifications
  • Construction in-stream work isolation, fish salvage and channel restoration
  • Environmental Flow Needs

Riparian habitat assessments

  • Riparian Areas Regulation Assessments
  • Amphibian surveys and salvage
  • Riparian restoration plans and monitoring


  • Environmental DNA (eDNA)
  • For fish aging, population studies
  • Water and sediment quality for baseline and impact analysis
  • Benthic and drift invertebrates for baseline and impact analysis
  • Vegetation for baseline, sensitive species identification

Accurate habitat imaging and mapping

  • Upland surveying and terrain modeling
  • Bathymetric profiling
  • Site surveying and GIS mapping using sonar, acoustic positioning, and dGPS
  • Underwater and aerial imaging and videography

Tools in our kit include

  • Snorkel and SCUBA surveys, drop camera’s
  • Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
  • Total Station, Rod and Level survey
  • Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS or ‘drones’)

Eagle feeding on salmon at restored habitat

Bear standing in restored habitat feeding on salmon