
Freshwater Environmental Monitoring

For works conducted in and around freshwater lakes, streams and wetlands, a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) is required to be on site on behalf of the proponent. The monitor’s role is to ensure conformance with environmental legislation through witnessing and guiding construction plans for environmental protection of resources and sensitive ecosystems.

Our staff is trained and experienced in environmental construction monitoring and can be involved from pre-construction planning to post construction monitoring. Monitors liaise with regulators and project crew in the development of Environmental Management Plans (EMP) which define strategies for how to prevent or minimize environmental harm. The purpose of this work is facilitate fish passage upstream and downstream of a project. By investigating seasonal flows, we understand what requirements fish may need at a site which informs recommendations for culverts, arches and bridges.

During construction, we may need to isolate a site to catch and relocate organisms (e.g. amphibians and fish) within the project area. We direct the use of pumps to redirect water flow or to drain turbid water away from the freshwater and guide operators in installation of habitat features such as coarse woody debris and boulder velocity shadows. After construction, we prescribe site rehabilitation measures to speed up re-vegetation of native species (see Habitat Restoration). To show conformance of all regulations, the monitor will provide a report detailed with annotated photographs of equipment and works.


  • Stream crossing installations, replacements, and removals
  • In-stream works
  • Pile driving, Blasting operations, Dredging
  • Compensation/Mitigation construction
  • Biological salvage and transplant
  • Performance audits


  • Liaise with governmental staff and contractors
  • Draft Environmental Management Plans (EMPs)
  • Observe and record baseline conditions before, during and after works
  • Evaluate effectiveness of erosion and sediment mitigation
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Modify or stop operations that may lead to harm of the marine habitat or animals
  • Direct construction of water diversions
  • Report with photos detailing works completed by day

Timelapse of a culvert replacement

Timelapse of a bridge construction crossing a stream