

Envirocheck is a customizable mobile data collection app that replaces the need for field notes and paper forms. Field time is limited, data needs to be collected efficiently and consistently so that costs are kept low while assuring that all the required data is collected. After data collection, the app can automatically create and transmit a PDF inspection report with full colour annotated photographs directly from the field via internet or other wireless data transmission.

EnviroCheck is customizable in the user’s choice of fields to include, when to have drop down menus for selecting common data (e.g. species) and can be set so that important mandatory fields cannot be left blank before transmitting the report. By using a digital field data collection form, you can incorporate the digital metadata associated with photos (e.g. gps coordinates, time) as well as attach comments to any photo.

Key Features of EnviroCheck:

  • Eliminate in-office data transcription and wait times
  • Entire report can be compiled and sent from a mobile device
  • Field photos are managed and stored within the report.
  • Auto-report generation options that can instantly produce a final PDF report with photos and sends a copy via e-mail to your listed recipients.
  • EStores archived reports for future retrieval

EnviroCheck can be used in any industry or application that uses a standard set of inspection or survey parameters to collect data. It eliminates the need to transcribe field notes and write reports back in the office, the entire report can be compiled and sent from a mobile device.

Example Applications

  • Environmental Construction Monitoring – e.g. culvert replacement
  • Pollution & Prevention Control Inspections– specifically designed to meet requirements for LEED™ SS prerequisite 1
  • Biological Surveys
  • Condition and Compliance Inspections (engineering, forestry, regulatory etc.)
  • Kelp propagation

EnviroCheck was developed as a joint venture with Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting Ltd.